Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit with us today.
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We provide insurance billing and encourage you to confirm your coverage prior to making an appointment. Any co-payments are due at the time of your appointment. If the insurance company does not pay the full balance, or denies the claim, then any unpaid balance will be billed to you.

We also accept VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and cash. 

Prosper Healthcare Lending is the premier financing company in the healthcare industry. With over $3 Billion borrowed and over 250,000 people empowered, this is a name and a program you can trust.

Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from Prosper Healthcare Lending:
• Immediate decisions for loans under $35,000
• Longer terms for lower monthly payments
• No collateral required
• No prepayment penalties
• Fast & easy loan inquiry process
• 100% Confidential

Scheduling Appointments

We realize that your time is valuable, and and we make every effort to see our patients at their scheduled time. Occasionally, our office falls behind schedule. We ask that you to provide as much advanced notice as possible if you may be running late for an appointment or if you need to cancel. With this advance notice, the time can be scheduled for another patient.

What to Bring to Your Appointment

First time patients should plan to arrive early in order to complete a patient registration form. Please bring the following items to the appointment:

  • Your insurance card(s)
  • List of all prescription and over-the-counter medications that you are currently taking
  • Any required co-payment
  • Pertinent medical and surgical history information
  • Our completed Patient Forms
Our Locations

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