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Robotic Revisional Bariatric Surgery


Revisional Bariatric Surgery

A patient who has undergone bariatric surgery before may require a follow-up or revisional procedure in order to achieve their desired we A patient who has undergone bariatric surgery before may require a follow-up or revisional procedure in order to achieve their desired weight loss. Multiple techniques and procedures have been used throughout the years, with variable outcomes for patients. Sometimes these surgeries result in inadequate weight loss. If you’ve had previous bariatric surgery and haven’t seen desirable results, we can help! We’ll meet with you to determine if the lack of weight loss is due to mechanical or behavioral reasons. We’ll then develop a plan that best suits your needs for either altering your lifestyle habits or undergoing another procedure.

Robotic REVISIONAL surgery provides advantages 

· Lower complications

· Decreased bleeding

· Decreased leaks

· Decreased length of stay


Reasons For Failed Weight Loss Surgery

Technical Reasons

There may be a mechanical failure from the previous operation, such as a lap band slip. 70% of lap band patients struggle with adequate weight loss and are not comfortable with their band and fills. In addition, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration are common. The lap band may need to be removed and converted to a gastric sleeve in order to achieve the desired weight loss. A thorough workup is necessary to better understand why a patient is not losing weight. Only after we do that can we tailor a plan for surgical therapy.

Resuming Unhealthy Eating Habits

Going back to an unhealthy diet after the surgery can still contribute to weight gain even if taken in smaller quantities. Eating fast food, sugar, and processed foods can affect your weight. That’s why it’s essential to consult with a bariatric dietitian to create a food plan tailored specifically for you. These new and healthier food plans can help you lose weight quickly and provide you with the necessary nutrition your body needs to function properly.

Lack of Exercise

Exercise helps your body burn off the excess calories you consume. Ignoring calorie-burning exercises can slow down weight loss, even if you are not gaining as many extra pounds each day.


There are some medications that can result in weight gains such as beta-blockers, steroids, and antidepressants. If you’re taking any of these, it might be the reason why you haven’t been able to lose as much weight as expected or get back on track with your healthy lifestyle choices.

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